3 Reasons to Keep an Adventure Journal

3 Reasons to Keep an Adventure Journal

Sometimes, let’s face it, you just need to go on an adventure. But in today’s Insta-culture, Instagram, instant-replay, and instant meals, there’s an allure that calls to tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people every day, the need to...
The Two Different Sides of Lokta Paper

The Two Different Sides of Lokta Paper

Lokta Paper has two different sides. Literally. One of the sides is smooth, while the other side of the same sheet is more rough and natural looking. It all goes back to the unique way that Lokta Paper is made. What Gives Lokta Paper its Distinctive Two Sides? Lokta...
Go with your Heart

Go with your Heart

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” -Confucius Take a journey, but remember to bring your heart and mind along. Today’s ever-connected world can leave us actually disconnected from the things that matter most, and can take us away from being present to...
Introducing the Nepali Pathfinder Journal

Introducing the Nepali Pathfinder Journal

“Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.” -Theodore Roethke Introducing Nepali Pathfinder Leather Journal The Nepali Pathfinder Leather Journal is handmade in Nepal and contains Lokta Paper. The paper is made from strips of...
Introducing the Nepali Trekker Tiger Stripe Journal

Introducing the Nepali Trekker Tiger Stripe Journal

Tigers Roam Nepal You might not guess so since one might think of the snowy peaked mountains like Mount Everest that grace Nepal, but the country is indeed home to between 163–253 Bengal Tigers. We named our new journal in hopes or raising awareness of these...