In recent years, the term “Green Monday” has popped up in relation to online shopping. It’s usually designated the second Monday in December and began with eBay back in 2007 (See Wikipedia: Green Monday).
It’s a shopping day or holiday that was designated as the “best sales day in December.”
More Meaning in the Term Green Monday
Perhaps there is something more to Green Monday than just a day for shopping. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday being extended to Black Friday and Cyber Monday week, there’s plenty of big shopping days.
Perhaps in our own little way, Green Monday can mean something a little different.
It’s almost officially winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in Southern Hemisphere. As the two different halves of the world experience the beginning of the cold season and the warmth of the summer season, why not celebrate this wonderful marble rotating around a bright spot in the middle of space. Why not go outside and enjoy the season, or support a local or world-wide green initiative?
Earth Day is celebrated in April, why not have a small reminder in December.
Maybe Green Monday can be something that helps us to look outward to the beauty of the world around us no matter what the season or time of year.