Handmade Printer Paper (Belerica)

Be different with handmade printer paper. Kathmandu Valley Co. Lokta paper is made from Lokta bushes, a non-tree fibrous plant that grows on southern slopes of the Himalayan mountains.
Strips from the inner bark are cooked into a mash which is then spread by hand over boxed screens and set to dry in the Himalayan sun. The drying process binds the fibers together creating a beautifully textured paper with one side retaining the impression of the screen with the other side presenting a naturally formed texture.
Flecks from the outer bark pepper the page and gives each page a unique look and feel.

Vegetable-Dyed with Natural Belerica
“In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Beleric is known as Bibhitaki (Marathi: Behada or Bhenda) (Terminalia bellirica). In its fruit form, it is used in the popular Indian herbal rasayana treatment triphala.” (See Wikipedia: Bellirica)
The fruit of the Belerica tree is also used for vegetable dyes, and is used to create the beautiful brownish-gold Belirica Lokta Paper.
Packet of 25 Sheets

Belerica-dyed Lokta paper is great for craft projects where special paper is required. It can also be used in scrapbooking projects to add contrast to other papers. Lokta paper also makes unique origami.
The paper can also be used with laser and ink jet printers.

Thank you for helping to preserve a 1,000 year old tradition in Nepali paper making and helping to support those affected by the earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015.

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